Our mission in partnerships is to be a base for churches across the city, state, and nation in ministering to the less fortunate. We believe that in order for us to become a 24/7 church, we need The Church to partner with us and become the light of the world. When a church partners with us, 3 things are going to happen. First, God is going to change the way you see yourself. You will be used by GOD in a powerful way as He uses you to minister to His people. Second, God is going to change the way you see God. You will come to an understanding that God cares about people who are not on your radar. And third, you will change the way you see others. You will realize that not all people who are homeless are lazy. Many have suffered trauma, addiction, mental illness, imprisonment, and prostitution, among others. You will go back to your church with a new fire for God and people and change your community for the glory of our Father!